Monday, August 17, 2009

Change I really don't believe in, but I don't have much of a choice.

Ever since teh end, I've faced a problem. '☮ is my religion/bayonet' featured the tales and battles of a private, lowest of the army ranks, "fighting the culture war for progressive politics and pacifism.' This war was/is also fought by the sarcastic Captain, the whip-weilding Admiral, the vocally liberal Sergeant, the lioness-inspired Midshipman, the wisecracking Major General, and many others. All of this was under the banner of the GrodsCorp Military Force.

Of course, GrodsCorp has ceased to exist, which makes my self-designated 'GrodsSoldier' somewhat redundant. Hence, I've started redesigning my persona. True to form, I've leached off the ideas of a stalwart of my childhood, Peanuts. In particular, everybody's favourite beagle, Snoopy. The atava is still set in world war one, which is my preferred war out of the two (less genocide and more inventive weaponry). I'd like to keep the Blackadder reference, which makes for a rather confusing persona of being both a pilot and a trench fighter. 'Pilot 'Baldrick' Tom', perhaps?

Hence, I'm reintroducing this blog as '☮ is my Sopwith Camel.' So what can one expect in the future? Not much, other than Peanuts comics to supplament Calvin, poor dogfighting metaphors in replace of my slightly less adventurous life, and a new url.

And to think, all of this could've been solved if a certain Field Marshal has kept Grods open.


  1. Sorry, PT. Send Surname a bill for the inconvenience.

  2. Sorry, PT. Send Surname a bill for the inconvenience.

  3. And a bill for the double comment as well.

  4. I'll send you my bill PT, for services rendered.

  5. With all these moneys coming in, I'll be able to buy a spot on Crikey.

  6. Scott, I should kill you where you stand.

    As you were, Private.
