Ok, so "unleashed" was a tad hyperbolic (actually, it was AWH-style hyperbolic). Still, it's cool to see the slow evolution of my political views so easily displayed on a graph.
*See the Toxic Venomous Coalition.
From local Klansman party, the Australian Protectionist Party.
The brutal bashing of an young man at Sunshine train station, in Melbourne, has once again highlighted the problems of crime associated with the immigration of large numbers of black Africans into Australia. [1]Because no white guy has ever raped, assaulted, robbed or murdered. EVER.
Professor Andrew Fraser warned us all in 2005 about these dangers, when he said “Experience practically everywhere in the world tells us that an expanding black population is a sure-fire recipe for increases in crime, violence and a wide range of other social problems” [2]. Fraser was persecuted by the so-called “Human Rights” industry for telling the truth.That's quite an ironic truth you have there, pal.
We must remember that societies become more and more authoritarian when they fall under the rule of regimes that push political multiculturalism and political correctness. Under Liberal-Labor’s politically-motivated multiculturalism laws, telling the truth can be illegal - but if we aren’t able to tell the truth, then who will?Because allowing new arrivals to practice their own cultures (as compared to forcing migrants to assimilate to 'our' culture. Given that this multination consists of Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Pagans, Muslims, non-believers, Asians, Aborigines, Western and Eastern Europeans, Italians, Greeks, Saharan and sub-Saharan Africans, Indians and Sri lankans, I would love to know what 'our' culture consists of) is apparently authoritarianism.
Whilst every society, ethnic group and race all have a percentage of people that commit violent crimes, research shows us that this percentage is significantly higher amongst black African males; to be quite clear, this does not mean that all of them are violent criminals, but that - compared to the general population - a higher percentage of black African males are more likely to commit crimes of violence. This is a fact, as shown by crime statistics in countries such as Australia, England and the USA. [3]The organisation that has produced this is the white supremist New Century Foundation. You'll excuse me for taking their findings with a ocean's worth of metaphorical salt.
Newspaper reports in Australia have confirmed the higher crime rates of black Africans. For instance, the Herald Sun revealed that whilst the general rate of alleged crimes was 1 in 85, the rate for Somalians was 1 in 23. Political multiculturalists may offer all sorts of excuses as to why the black African crime rate is so much higher, blaming poverty, war trauma, etc., but the fact remains that their crime rate is indeed higher. [4]I found the page showing these statistics here (from Crikey). Given that the stats don't show how many people of each ethnic group live in Victoria, it's impossible to say how much of a percentage of Somal-Australians are involved in crime.
This is not a matter of faceless “statistics”, but of real people suffering as victims of crime - it is about real people being hurt, disabled and killed. These higher crime “statistics” could mean your brother is bashed, your sister is raped, or your friend is murdered. Higher crime rates are about real people.Yes, that can happen. Anybody can bash or rape or murder.
If we can choose between bringing in immigrants from a European people with a low crime rate, or from an African people with a high crime rate, who would choose the high crime option?This reminds me of a line from Wolverine to Magneto, from Ultimate X-men.
The fact is that political multiculturalists are extremists. They would rather have thousands more Australians being bashed, raped or murdered, rather than admit their mistake and halt the immigration of black Africans.Flock off, you Bullsucking Nazis. Your scare tactics failed when your American counterparts talked of the dangers of racial integration. It failed when you ranted on about the 'Asian invasion' during the 1970s. And it'll fail now.
Who is to blame? It is the politicians and multiculturalists who are the problem. It is high time that we dumped the extremist ideologies of political multiculturalism and political correctness. It’s time that we started to protect Australians - and protect our nation’s future.
And in the letters:"They (Home and Away) continue to market to kids and they continue to develop quite sexualised plot lines," Pro-Family Perspectives director Angela Conway said.
"The plot lines that young kids and teenagers should be presented with should be about really authentic relationships that are not just sexualised."
We who have young kids do not want them polluted with homosexual ideas. I hope somebody will be sacked over this thing.Replace "sexual" with "phobic" and I'd heartily agree with you.
Gordon Smith.
Our vulnerable teenager children, who are undergoing significant hormonal changes involving mixed sexual feeling, do not need homosexual relationships being normalised on Home and Away.Because if they see women kissing on a fictional TV show, they'll, umm...
David Everard, Nunawading
OK if we are going to have shows that promote homosexuality (and they seem to be on the rise) why can't we have more shows that promote family values? Oh wait, they don't get good ratings. But seriously the guys at Channel 7, should be more sensitive towards what would be considered family viewing time and have script and shows that are more appropriate. Concerned parentNo, I didn't SNIP the ending. That's the full post.
Reading the comments below on could get the impression that our society is 85 % homosexual. Once again gay and lesbian lobby groups are in full flight promoting their odd lifestyle. However, Channel 7 should keep in mind that it is the majority who holds the family values dear to heir harts who will determine the ratings and the eventual success of your station. You are succumbing to the pressure of the minorities at your own peril.Thankfully, not all Hun reader were frozen in the 1950's and thawed out last week. From the letters:
Excellent. Maybe soon they will have some non-Anglo characters and they can really start reflecting Aussie society rather then some white-bread Aryan fantasy.And Brian la Ferlita of Melbourne from the comments:
Penny Smith, Melbourne.
Oh I have to laugh when we're allowed to watch (current) storylines concerning rape and heterosexual relationships on 'Home And Away' yet some so-called 'conservative groups' deem plotlines about homosexuality to not be authentic?! Here's a tip for the Christian groups outraged at gay storylines: Homosexuality is real. Homosexuality is not a disease or dysfunction. You cannot make some gay by showing them a TV show. You cannot cure a gay person by showing them 'God' or treating them!!!!Remember: you heard it here 2nd, folks.
PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has set the Christian lobby, a key Labor powerbroker and a crucial balance-of-power Senator against him over Australia's move to scrap a 13-year-old ban on foreign aid being used to fund safer abortions for women in poor nations.
But the historic shift was lauded by a wide array of aid agencies, women's groups, family planning experts and many cross-party federal politicians, who said it would save the lives of thousands of women who would otherwise die in botched backyard operations.
All of a sudden, I'm almost liking Kevin.
The Prime Minister was targeted by his Christian base after revealing that he backed but did not personally support the decision by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith to axe the ban - two months after US President Barack Obama overturned a similar ban in his country.
Mr Rudd told a meeting of Labor MPs he had "long-standing conservative views" on the issue, but said a clear majority of Labor MPs backed a change.
The Australian Christian Lobby, which gave him a platform to reach 100,000 Christians by TV before the last election, threatened to campaign against him at the next election.
And Family First senator Steve Fielding, whose vote is crucial for Labor on key parts of its agenda, lashed out personally at Mr Rudd for being "rolled" by his party. "When it comes to the crunch on values issues, the Prime Minister wimps out," he said.
It seems to me that preventing women from dying from backward abortions isn't so much a 'values' issues then it is a 'compassion and humanity' value.
The ban was imposed by the former Howard Government in 1996 to appease former Tasmanian independent senator Brian Harradine, who held a pivotal Senate vote.
Mr Smith said the focus of Australia's foreign aid would remain on avoiding abortions by providing better family planning education, as he pledged to boost funds for preventing maternal deaths by $15 million over four years. He said it was a tragedy that an estimated 68,000 women die each year from unsafe abortions - leaving 220,000 children without mothers.
A wide coalition of groups has been campaigning for years for the ban to be lifted, led by cross-party politicians including Liberal MPs Sharman Stone and Mal Washer, former Democrats leader Lyn Allison and Labor Senator Claire Moore.
But prominent anti-abortion senators, including National Ron Boswell, Liberal Guy Barnett and Labor's Mark Bishop, were outraged.
Australian Reproductive Health Alliance chief Jane Singleton said the "humane and enlightened" change would save thousands of women's lives.
But Australian Christian Lobby head Jim Wallace said Christian voters had been betrayed - and pledged to campaign on the issue.
The Catholic Church branded the move "a cause for great sadness" and "very bad news for women and unborn children in the developing world". It urged Mr Rudd to reverse the decision.
And some more from the SMH:A CATHOLIC archbishop has sparked controversy in Brazil by saying the mother of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion on Wednesday following a rape is automatically excommunicated for allowing the procedure to go ahead.
Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho of Olinda and Recife also declared that according to canon law the doctor who performed the abortion is considered excommunicated, along with anyone else involved.
The child was raped by her stepfather, who has since admitted abusing her over the last three years. Abortion is generally illegal in Brazil but allowed in cases of rape or when the pregnancy endangers the mother’s life.
The child entered hospital in the northeastern city of Recife on Tuesday night, where she was given medication to interrupt the pregnancy, which doctors said was terminated by early Wednesday morning. She was pregnant with twins.
The archbishop’s statements have drawn condemnation from Brazilian politicians and caused disquiet among some theologians concerned by the difficulties raised by the case.
But Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho has denied media reports that he personally ordered the excommunications. “I simply recalled what is in church canon law. Excommunication is automatic for those who participate in an abortion. I did not excommunicate anyone, just remembered the church’s law which says they are automatically excommunicated,” he said.
Before the abortion was carried out the archdiocese’s lawyers threatened to charge the mother with homicide, citing the Brazilian constitution’s guarantee to the right to life.
The doctor who carried out the procedure has defended his actions. “If the pregnancy had continued, the damage would have been worse, being a high risk pregnancy. The risk would have been of death or at the very least that she would never have been able to become pregnant again,” Dr Olímpio Moraes told O Globo newspaper.
“There are two legal justifications for abortion envisioned by the law, which are rape and risk to life. She [the girl] falls within the two and, as a doctor, I could not let a girl of nine years be submitted to this suffering and even pay with her own life.”
But Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho has dismissed the fact that the abortion was legal under Brazilian law as irrelevant to the question of excommunication. “God’s law is above whatever human law. So when a human law is contrary to God’s law, this human law has no value,” he said.
The archbishop made clear that the excommunication did not extend to the young girl at the centre of the case. Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho is a leading member of the Brazilian Catholic Church’s conservative wing and a firm opponent of abortion which he calls a “silent holocaust”.
[my emphasis]The operation - carried out on Wednesday because of doctors' fears the slender girl might die if she carried the foetuses to term - was a crime in the eyes of the church, he said.
"God's law is above any human law. So when a human law ... is contrary to God's law, this human law has no value," Cardoso told the news television network Globo.
"The adults who approved, who carried out this abortion, will be excommunicated," said the archbishop for the Recife region.
Human rights refer to the "basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled."[1] Examples of rights and freedoms which have come to be commonly thought of as human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education.
“ | All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. |