Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jesus was not a conservative.

"'d think that a religion founded on the rules of loving your neighbour, treating others the way you would want to be treated and giving everything to the poor would be a little more focused on loving your neighbour, treating others the way you would want to be treated and giving everything to the poor instead of banning abortion and contraception, hating gays and getting rich."

That was me (impressive, eh?). Normally, I am just able to tolerate hateful ultraconservatives claiming to have any Christian moral high ground. However, this pushed me over the edge.

Yup, the Aussie fundies have produced a pamphlet outlining what is apparently Jesus' most important beliefs. I also noted that the CDP couldn't cite any biblical passages to support their values-probably because Jesus never spoke on values they mention. Perhaps Nile should reread the first few chapters in the New Testament, because in fact, Jesus was:





-anti-insane wealth



-His greatest priorities never had to do with teh gays or teh 'bortions.

And unlike the ultracon pseudoChristians, I can actually quote what Jesus said to back this up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've done a post based on your post here at my other blog, NLthinking:

I'd like to hear your thoughts, Tom.