Barack really has won it. He will become the 44th President of the United States of America. Today, we can end our fears of Bush/Cheney '08. We can end our fear of Sarah "
Psychopath Barbie" Palin's trigger-happy finger entheusiastically hovering over the button whenever international friction develops. We can end our fear of more 'trickle down' ecomonics, and see for the first time American tax cuts
for those who need them. We can end our fear of war as a first resort, instead of a last. And, hopefully, we can see an end to the
genocide-creating global gag rule (that I'll be watching for).
This is also the 40th anniversary of Dr. King's assassination. This makes Obama's victory is more powerful and symbolic then Rudd's Sorry speech and
the flag in Iwo Jima combined.
However, as Captain Lefty
cynically yet accurately points out, this is not the messianic end all and be all that people believe. Even so, I'm dusting off
The Audacity of Hope from the bookshelf.
And given that this is the first (and probably last) post mentioning Palin, I thought I'd share an under-used photo from
the Kos.

*that's 44, BTW.
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