But anyway, there's been a bit of a kerfuffle of excommunications, un-excommunications and communion-denyings regarding the Vatican lately. For the ease of fellow

Supporting Obama-denied communion, but not excommunicated.
Giving equal rights to women regarding sermons, and blessing gay couples-sacked.
Having an abortion or performing one-excommunication.
Denying the Holocaust-excommunicated, but later unexcommunicated. So OK.
Raping children-perfectly fine.
Thus, I think we can sum up the Pope's views as such: believing in human equality and autonomy is more sinful then denying the Holocaust and raping children.
As Admiral F. R. Phoenix stated:
To question the dogma, even when the questioner still believes enough in the dogma to continue to preach, is a rebellious act. The Catholic Church was founded on the actions and beliefs of a rebel! Evidently rebelliousness is only acceptable when convenient to the Church.And Sarah, the voice of today's apethetic youth, commented:
A healthy society permits rebelliousness and questioning. It it how laws and ideas are formed, it is how discoveries are made. Without rebels such as Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Galileo and Gandhi the world would be a much different place. A world I certainly wouldn't want to live in.
I love how the Catholic church is so free with its 'forgiveness' when it comes to paedophile priests and holocaust deniers, but simply won't stand for someone who doesn't agree 100% with their petty dogma.And above all else, Hank, of Ethics Gradient, brilliantly ranted*:
Does anyone take these Papist fuckers seriously anymore? If so, why? Exactly what function does the Papacy serve at the UN? Precisely what is accomplished by giving this pretend country/museum of iniquity and horror a vote equal to that of other nations who actually contain real people and not glorified statue-polishers? These Janitors for Jesus seem to do sweet fuck all except provide enough soundbites to show the world just exactly how out of step they are with evolved modern societies. There's a reason Europe & the world shunned the Papacy and its Inquisitions & Dark Age in favour of democracy & knowledge and the Papists show this to us all at every opportunity with statements like those of Migliore. What, if anything, does the Vatican contribute to the UN except embarrassing anachronistic remarks? Who exactly does the Vatican represent? A billion Catholics? No! They're all citizens of the other 190+whatever proper countries with seats at the UN.Seriously, I can't wait 'til the day the Vatican dies off.
Seriously, what it is going to take for the UN to realise that the Vatican should be seen and not freaking heard? It's like the embarrassing great-uncle at Christmas time whose rude, racist, homophobic & generally offensive remarks everyone tolerates because he's been around forever, has tons of cash & everyone knows he's losing his mind. Everyone knows he won't be around forever, including him, so everyone's just holding their tongue until he pops his clogs. Noone really knows (or cares) how he fits into the family tree except for the oldest rellies, but they don't like him either.
So, yes, SIGH, Mandy's got another frickin Catholic hate-boner. Again, I must point out it's not actual Catholics that inspire this rage. From any post on this blog marked "catholic" it should be pretty clear it's the administration, the empire and its spokes-idiots that raise my bile. I know full-well that there are plenty of other religious organisations that deserve at least equal loathing & dark wizardry, but there really are none that compare to the Vatican - the 1500 year old Christian empire, constant enemy of knowledge, science and societal evolution, constant defender of gender/sexual inequality & child-rapists. No other religious organisation has been around for as long & has its own pretend country & corresponding seat at the fucking UN. For every Catholic city mission, nobly handing out blankets and feeding the homeless, there's a statement from some senior manager, laying out the official policy that anyone who's not a Catholic male is basically fucked. No other nation/empire has as lengthy or as reprehensible a history when it comes to human rights. Crusades, Inquisitions, Nazi appeasement, enabling child-rapists, lying about condoms & AIDS (condeming untold numbers to death), railing against masturbation, contraception AND abortion (effectively a three-pronged attack against sexual freedom of choice of any kind) and now, effectively condoning the executions of gays in tin-pot shitty little theocracies across the world.
Seriously, what the fuck is going to wake the UN up to this antiquated museum masquerading as a nation? Do they just keep them around to piss the Arabs off?
Bah, whatever, Merry fucking Christmas. Fuck the Pope and all his little wizards.
*OK, so particular Vatican idiocy is different in Hank's tirade (namely, the Pope supporting the death penalty). Still, his comments are relevant in every way.
UPDATE @ almost 2200, 25/2/2009: I almost forgot to add one more for the list:
Lying when it suits your political agenda:
UPDATE 2 @ 1900, 7/3/2009: From Brazil:
A child victim of rape who could die from giving birth is less important then a pair of zygotes.
I think that you miss an important point when it comes to this issue Tom and that is belonging to a church is like belonging to a club and if you don't like the rules of the club then don't join or don't whine about the rules if you decide that you must be a member.
Personally I don't think that anyone needs an interlocutor between themselves and the Deity and that any sort of clergy is in fact unnecessary.
Check out my post on this at my blog :)
sorry forgot the link
Hey PT. Just a clarification. The Vaticans official position on having an abortion is that "forgivness is as close as the nearest confessional"
Just thought I'd give you the heads up.
Iain-the post wasn't so much the Vatican's rules, but also the ludicrous inconsistency their punishments. Namely, they seem to focus more on teh gay instead of trying to prevent child molestations.
Also, an epiclol to your fastfood analogy.
Keri-but isn't excommunication a little harsh re the abortion issue? Given Jesus' message of forgiveness, I thought that being expelled from the Church would be for the worst crimes, ie denying the holocaust.
Excommunication doesn't mean expulsion from the church in the context of a parishioner, PT. It just literally means you can't receive communion until you've confessed. Which, in RC terms, is encouraged at least once a week anyway, so you wouldn't actually be penalised at all, apart from your penance.
Ah, crap. I really should leave the 'pretending to know what I'm talking about whilst not having a clue' to the professionals (and we all know who they are). I guess 'excommunication' sounds like a more intense punishment then what it actually is.
That said, I stand by my insinuated statement that the Vatican's moral priorities only make sense in the context of monarchies, plagues and witch burnings.
Speaking of which, I noticed I'm a "midshipman" now.
Have I been demoted? Why wasn't I informed of my transfer?
It isn't a demotion, but a transfer from the army to the navy. Just think of the fresh air and the glorious sunsets against the horizon.
Also, sorry that the comment didn't appear earlier. I was trying to moderate comments so I could remove some of my spelling mistakes, and accidentally turned the filter on. Nerdiness: FAIL.
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