Thursday, March 26, 2009

If everybody at the airport had had machineguns and uzis and a couple of bazookas, then nobody would have died!

Slightly hyperbolated (that's a word now, OK?), that appears to be the thought process of MK. He cites two examples: a gunfight between two biker gangs in an airport, in which one person died, and a drive by shooting into someone's house.

MK's logic appears to be: the entire airport populace could have opened fire on the bikies, and no civilians would have died in the cross-fire.
There was enough time for the mother to grab her gun, run out into the street and fire it at the attackers, who would still be in the street and certainly wouldn't have already made their getaway.

I don't get it-if MK is such a big, tough, manly sorta man, why doesn't he defy teh leftist fash and build up his weapons supply in defiance of the law? If you're gonna accuse the left of being spineless pussies, it doesn't help if you're a spineless pussy.


RVBM said...

MK is definitely a grade A moron.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

You should see my next post on him (as soon as i find the source material).