Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mandatory kitteh post.

It seems fashionable these days to have a post on your kittehs. Captain Lefty's doing it. Feministing has it. Even military HQ, bastion of immaturity and sex fetishes, does it. So, I'll do one.

Meet the pets (Ceiling Cat fundies be warned; it includes puppehs as well).

This is Skipper, at 11 years old (in October 07). Summed up by local acquaintance Jamie as "a bad combination of stupidity and determination" referring to her tendancy to pick up rocks and bricks from the bottom of farm dams and carry them to shore. As of 6:22ish 2/2/2009, she was rockin' it up with other dogs in that giant off-leash park in the sky.

This is Buzzwinker, almost 10, notorious for having eaten 4KG of dog food (then requiring a vet to have him throw it up again), eating a wrapped christmas ginger house (wrapping and all), and for eating lethal snail-bait and needing his stomach pumped. Not the cheapest pet, by a long shot. Incidentally, he also came the closest to death: 41.8C, with the cutoff mark for a dog being 42.

This is Bessie Bunter, 4. She also needed her stomach pumped (at the same time as well. Now there was a night to remember). She is by far the brightest, and therefore one of the naughtiest-I've lost count of how many times she's snuck upstairs to eat the kittehs' food.

This is Merlin. Don't let the inquisitive and intelligent appearance deceive you. He is not the brightest spark in the proverbial fire. Despite his chronic laziness (spending 23 55/60 hours sleeping in my sisters room, only leaving in the evening to go downstairs to find her), he routinely gets into fights.

Here's Meral. Commonly known as 'Feral Meral' and 'Mad Meral' because she willingly leaves the house to venture into the yards. She is the most intelligent of the cats (who are, incidentally, all siblings) which isn't saying much to be honest.

This is Miffany. This is an extraordinarily dignified photo of her-there are plenty of worse ones I could have chosen. She is notoriously scatty, and will tear off in a random direction whenever she perceives some sort of danger. However, she also sleeps with the dogs, often lying on top of the dogs for comfort.

I swear, I'll have something interesting soon.


Scott said...

Pool room.

Michelle said...

Puppehs! Kittehs!


Anonymous said...

I'm a cat person.

Bron said...

Merlin reminds me of Kate Moss. The eyes!

Cute animals. I'm a cat person but those are some cute dogs too.