You'd all better unanimously apologise for insulting the 2nd Greatest Country To Bless This World (TM), or be banished from the internets forever.
*In accordance to Israeli policies, all terms of remotely feminine nature (her, she, etc) have been replaced with male counterparts for the foreseeable future.
(Note on the label: yes, I know that 'Arabia' covers only a portion of the Middle East, which I'm pretty sure doesn't cover Israel. But let's face it; Arabia is a far better name. So I'm sticking with it, geography be damned)
With the amount of straw generated from Bolt, he could subsidise every farmer in Australia.
Almost as strawmanned as his "Greenies are cavemen" logic. Apparently, because we advocating more efficient means of producing electricity (ie wind and solar) we want to send everybody back to the stone age.
What a douche.
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