OR: Time for another 40ish year old who sends our hearts a flutterin'. Previously, there was Daniel 'Delicious' Craig. This time, it's Johnny 'Jack' Depp.
The final picture, I have it in poster form. I don't know how or why I'm straight. I really don't.
This post offends me as a straight male who doesn't want to question his own sexuality. Post some Scarlett Johanson or Mellisa Auf Der Maur to make it alright
1. Don't be a dick. Different viewpoints are welcomed, but abuse is not. 2. philiptravers-you are banned until you make a shred of sense in your comments. 3. All other commentators-I don't know how to ban, so just ignore travers. Someday I'll figure out how to delete comments.
Where is Jason Statham?
Jebus, you're picky.
Oh, I don't deny that Mr Depp is hot, I think you should just admit that JS is hotter.
Statham is the bomb. There is no denying it.
This post offends me as a straight male who doesn't want to question his own sexuality. Post some Scarlett Johanson or Mellisa Auf Der Maur to make it alright
Can do!!
I second cosmicjester's claims. MAKE IT STOP!!!1!!1!!11
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