Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cork yer arses! Teh homos are commin!!

It isn't a good time to be an American homophobe. First there was the election of Mr. B. Then, both Iowa and Vermont legalised same-sex marriage, thus speeding up the decline of the Western civilisation. Now, the Man O' The House is considering replacing the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy in the American military with one of non-discrimination.

Take it away, Toxic Venomous Coalition!
San Francisco Values Democrat Ellen Tauscher (CA) has introduced H.R. 1283, the “Military Readiness Enhancement Act Of 2009.” She already has 136 co-sponsors.

Her misnamed bill should be called the “Legalization Of Sodomy On The Battlefield And Barracks Act” to more accurately describe what the legislation will legalize.
Why don't you just say "gays are all promiscuous slutbags who are addicted to sex and possess zero self control. Gays who don't have hardcore sex 24/7 aren't real gays. And stop banging on about your new fangled 'no true Scotsman fallacy' crock; our logic is watertight." At least you'd then be a little more open about it.
The bill will amend Title 10 of the United States Code to replace the current policy on homosexuals with a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The legislation will add “sexual orientation” to the law. It is defined in H.R. 1283 as “heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality, whether the orientation is real or perceived, and includes statements and consensual sexual conduct manifesting heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality.” This will open up the possibility that every sexual orientation could be legalized in the military! This will include cross-dressing and transsexualism. Proof of this is that several bills are being pushed through Congress that will make drag queens and transgenders into federally protected minorities. The Tauscher bill will impose the homosexual agenda on the military!
Please use the correct terminology, TVC. It's called "teh homosexual agenda."
Confusing History The history of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is confusing. Congress passed a law in 1993 that reaffirmed the long-held standard that homosexual conduct is incompatible with military service. However, President Clinton ignored the law and issued a policy statement that homosexuals could serve in the military as long as they didn’t tell anyone they were homosexuals. Military authorities were ordered not to “ask” if someone was a homosexual. This Clinton policy has become known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and most Americans think this is federal law. Tauscher’s subversive bill will overturn the federal law passed by Congress and undermine the military in dozens of ways. One of the most obvious ways it will subvert the military is to drive out men and women who view homosexuality as a sinful or unnatural behavior. These straight soldiers will retire or refuse to reenlist if they are forced to serve with individuals who engage in bizarre sex acts on military bases.
Sarah and Harriet summed it up best: "Amid this whole uproar [over gays in the military], the most apt comment I heard was on my local eleven o'clock TV news when they interviewed a woman on the street. She said, "I don't understand somethin'. These guys are supposed to travel all over the world, live in trenches, sleep in mud, and walk over minefields. But they can't take some guy lookin' at 'em?"
Those who do stay in the service will be forced into re-education classes to teach them that homosexuality is genetic and that homosexual behaviors are no different than heterosexual sexual behaviors in marriage.
It's Jane Folger's persecution fantasies all over again!
The legalization of sodomy in the military will also reduce the numbers of men and women who will enlist in the service. A Military Times poll of active-duty personnel revealed that 58% of them oppose repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” A 2008 poll found that if the law is repealed, 10% of the respondents would not reenlist and 14% said they would consider ending their careers.

This would have a devastating impact on our military readiness. The best and most patriotic of American soldiers would leave the service to individuals with sexual identity problems.
(my emphasis)

You've got to love both the ingenuity and maliciousness of TVC. In one sentence they some up so many of their beliefs: conservatives are flag wavin' patriots. Liberals are flag burnin' traitors. Conservatives know how to defend their country.* Liberals would cower and run, metaphorical tails between their legs.
Imagine the impact that the rampant spread of STDs, including HIV would have on the military? How will the military handle the spread of these diseases in the barracks? How will the military handle sodomy in battlefield situations? Imagine the impact that sexual favoritism would have in subverting military cohesion? A homosexual Sergeant who was in love with a member of his company, could protect his lover from battle – or send a straight soldier into harm’s way just to punish him for having the wrong attitudes about homosexuality. Straight soldiers could be denied promotion by militant gay officers. The military chain of command would be undermined.
Despite absolutely no evidence to back up your wild, conspiratorial claims.
Col. Ron D. Ray, (USMCR, retired) has written extensively on the dangers of permitting homosexuals to serve openly in the military. In his essay, “Lifting The Ban On Homosexuals In The Military: The Subversion Of A Moral Principle,” he notes: “Junior officers and NCOs already fear that any and every effort made to investigate or screen [homosexuals] can and will be challenged as a ‘witch hunt’ leading to legal and public challenges and criticisms. Investigating or criticizing homosexuality will become as politically incorrect as pointing out the military significance of the many real differences between the sexes. The troops will get the message.”

In addition to the coming persecution of straight soldiers, what about the unrestrained drug and sex antics committed by young male homosexuals? Homosexual sex is consistently related to drug use, including crystal meth and other sexually-stimulating drugs. What sort of chaos will be caused in the military by bare-backing parties and other forms of homosexual orgies?

There is also an effort by the White House and Congress to legitimate drag queens/transgenders in the military, too. The normalization of these behaviors are in many bills being pushed through Congress. This will impact the military as well.

The passage of H.R. 1283 is a recipe for disaster in the military – and our national security will be jeopardized by permitting homosexuals, drag queens and others with bizarre sex habits to serve openly in the Armed Forces.
Blah Blah, gays are Satan's sex toys and will spread their purile filth and decadency across our God-fearing, straight-as-an-arrow, 'redder then then a redhead covered in tomato sauce in the Sahara Desert' ultra manly military men. We've heard it all before, just with a different subject.

Check out the AFA.
In Massachusetts, a court has discovered a right to homosexual “marriage” in the state’s constitution...
Did you put interracial marriage in scare quotes after Loving v. Virginia, too?
And recently, the U. S. Supreme Court decreed that the laws of nature and of nature’s God are in violation of the Fourteenth Amend-ment’s equal protection clause...
The "laws of nature" actually do permit homosexuality. And I know how much you fundies love Biblical literalism, but God's Laws also permit slavery and the execution of disobedient children. Do you support those ideals, or will you simply cherry-pick which part of the Bible you will devoutly follow, and which parts you will ignore?
The definition of marriage...has never been questioned – until now.
Ignoring all those past redefinitions of marriage.
The inherent dignity of humanity is imprinted in the male-female union because it reflects the beauty of a created order that transcends the individuals who comprise the union.
All the clever writing in the world doesn't change the fact that a) almost half of all US marriages end in divorce, and b) gays can love just as much as straights.
Many homosexuals, though, argue that denying them the “right” to marry is no different than laws that prohibited interracial marriage. They are wrong. Anti-miscegenation laws, as they were called, were designed to keep men and women of different races from intermarriage, not from marriage as such. For example, under anti-miscegenation laws, blacks and whites could still marry within their racial group; marriage, then, was not redefined, as homosexuals now claim a right to do, but denied on the basis of race to those who already met the natural requirements of marriage.
And all the clever spin doctoring in the world doesn't change the fact that you're a bullsh*t artist. US marriage was redefined from 'a man and a woman from the same race' to 'a man and a woman.' Personally, I'd call that a 'redefinition.'
Most Americans are agreed that the power to redefine marriage should not be placed in the supple hands of judges who would decree that it is what it is not. Social engineering is not in the judicial job description.
Most Americans, if they knew their history, would disagree with you.

And to finish off the trifecta of fundie craziness, we have the FRC.
"Same-sex 'marriage' is a movement driven by wealthy homosexual activists
"Wealthy"? Cite, please.
and a liberal elite
Where would you ultracons be without that word? It's weird-I always thought that the Republican Party was full of elitists.
determined to destroy not only the institution of marriage,
You could add that to The Party's slogan. "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.** Equality is Destruction." (In case you haven't read 1984-and I highly recommend it-the first sentences are the original ones.)
but democracy as well. Time and again, we see when citizens have the opportunity to vote at the ballot box, they consistently opt to support traditional marriage," said Perkins.
That's probably because what the citizens what isn't necessarily what should be law.

That's all I can be bothered reading, to be frank. I actually feel rather dirty after reading that. Still, it was worth it for the title.

*Probably because they're the best at mindlessly following orders. An early diet of fundie creationism does that to people.

**I wonder if Karl Rove has read 1984. It would certainly explain why "Ignorance is Strength" is so entrenched in the GOP.


Michelle said...

Imagine the impact that sexual favoritism would have in subverting military cohesion? A homosexual Sergeant who was in love with a member of his company, could protect his lover from battle – or send a straight soldier into harm’s way just to punish him for having the wrong attitudes about homosexuality. Straight soldiers could be denied promotion by militant gay officers.

Because straight officers would never consider treating gay ones in this manner. Nope. Nosireebob.

Great post, Tom.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

The only thing possibly greater then gays gaining rights is watching the ultracons' and fundies' heads explode in response.

Michelle said...

Hell yeah.

RVBM said...

Thanks for the reminder that America is still a pungent backwater whose citizens' parasitic nonsense again equality is reminiscent of a troupe of elephants clumsily stomping around.

RVBM said...
