Monday, September 15, 2008

The day John cast morality out the door.

Recently, Lieutenant C. Jester pointed out that choosing Palin as VP nominee negated many attacks on Obama. To which I responded:
Dude. Never, ever, EVER underestimate how low the GOP is willing, ready and able to descend to when it comes to shameless gutter smears. F*ck blatant hypocrisy-if they can hit the dems with the "Obama's an unpatriotic pot-smoking economy-destroying muzzie!!1!" then they will.
OK. It's not exactly the Muslim/unpatriotic smear, but McCain's latest attack still sinks to that gutter-low.

...Obama supported "age appropriate" sex-education for children as a means of teaching them what was proper or inproper touching, as well as to protect them against pedophiles, his campaign has said. Used in the context of the McCain campaign ad, however, Obama's stance becomes another one of those cultural issues that seems designed to alienate the Illinois Democrat from more socially moderate voters.

In essence, the ad states that Obama supported teaching comprehensive sex ed to kindergartners. What a low, despicable smear. Kinda reminds me of another one...

Crossposted here and here, and extensively here and here.

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