Tuesday, October 21, 2008

If a transluscent sack of cells in the womb dies, Jesus will cry.

Dear God. It's bad enough that the banning of aid occurs in the US-but Australia too?

Seems so:
THE Labor chairwoman of a parliamentary group on population hopes the Government will act by the end of the year to lift its ban on foreign aid being used for abortion advice and services.

Senator Claire Moore said it was important this issue be clarified before an international conference on maternal and child welfare was held early next year. "This seems to be an appropriate pressure point on the Government," she said.

Senator Moore said only Australia and the United States banned aid being used in this way in countries where abortion was legal.

Liberal MP Mal Washer, former chairman of the committee, said he suspected the Government had gone cold on removing the ban because it feared offending Family First's Steve Fielding who, as a cross-bench senator, was crucial to the Government on many occasions.


Dr Washer said the Government's situation with Senator Fielding appeared "very similar to the Harradine problem we had". He urged the Government to have some "sensible discussion" with Senator Fielding. A spokeswoman for Senator Fielding said the senator supported the restriction, and had spoken to Mr Smith on the issue a few months ago.

Kevin Rudd should overturn the policy championed by former senator Brian Harradine of not providing foreign aid for abortion advice.

BRIAN HARRADINE, former independent senator from Tasmania, was a thorn in Labor's side for decades. Gough Whitlam in the late 1960s actually put his leadership on the line, on Harradine's side, in a party dispute involving him. Several years later, Harradine was finally expelled from the ALP, only to win a Senate spot as an independent.


The Howard government, in recognition of how much it would need him, agreed to a ban on Australian aid funding advice on abortion.

Now, Harradine is retired from the Senate but this legacy is causing all sorts of trouble for the Rudd Government. There is strong pressure to scrap the ban, following a recommendation to that effect from a cross-party group last year. But there's also a big push back, especially from the Catholic right in the ALP, to stop any change.


"Unsafe abortion is responsible for 13per cent of all maternal deaths globally - many in our region. These restrictions deny women the same access to reproductive health choices, education and services we give ourselves, even in countries when it is legal to do so. Currently if a woman is dying or injured from accessing unsafe abortion only then can she be treated or given information ... this is cruel and illogical".

Of course, that's not how the Catholic-ultracons see it.
We need human sacrifices! Preferably from Africa!

And as for Fielding...
Putting Aryan Christian Families First!

Cross-posted at An Onymous Lefty.

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