Sunday, August 17, 2008

When the ends justify the means

Casually flipping through Captain Tobias' archives, I discovered this little gem, featuring Andrew "Boy Wonder" Bolt. I think he's revealing a little too much of his authoritarian beliefs, here.
The real scandal isn’t that the US has locked up suspects at Guantanamo Bay, but that it’s let so many of them go free - free to resume their terrorism.


How many people have now been murdered by fanatics set free from Guantanamo Bay, at the urging of so many civil libertarians and Leftist activists?

How many deaths do those civil libertarians now have on their conscience?

Andrew seems to think that if we can save lives my locking up suspected terrorists, then we have a moral duty to do so. My question to Andrew; how far should we go? If we locked up every suspected murderer, rapist and child molester in Australia for life,chances are, we'd drastically reduce the number of murders, rapes and child molestations in the country. Only problem is, we'd be inevitably locking up innocent people in the process. Why is it justified when the suspects are suspected terrorists?

Oh, and one last point-nice try at trying to through some political mud at your fictional Leftists. Only trouble is, not every Lefty is a civil libertarian, and not every civil libertarian is a Lefty.


Anonymous said...

Tom, besides the fact that you should provide a source link when you quote someone you miss the point that the majority of 'suspected Terrorists held at Guantanimo Bay are in fact captured irregular combatants who can legitimately be detained under the laws of war for the duration of the conflict. Now your insistence on equating them with civil criminals is incredibly naive and rather silly.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

All suspected criminals deserve fundamental rights (habeas corpus, right to an attorney, right not to be tortured etc), no matter what they've been accused of.

BTW-would you mind responding to what I've written? The post was touching on how far we should go in giving the higher-ups more powers if it results in a reduction in crime. It has bugger-all to do with current suspects in Gitmo.

Anonymous said...

Tom I am responding to what you actually said by pointing out your erroneous comparison between captured terrorists held at Gitmo as unlawful combatants and ordinary civil criminals, where I agree whole heartedly that due process should be observed.

Tom would consider disabling the word Verification? I know from experience that it is useless and very annoying

Anonymous said...

And I'm pointing out that it's very easy to adopt an "ends justify the means" attitude to both crime and terror. I have no doubt we both want to have terrorists in prison, however locking people up on suspected crimes is extremely dangerous.

About the word verification-can you tell me how to disable it?

Anonymous said...

Tom would consider disabling the word Verification? I know from experience that it is useless and very annoying

Much like having a discussion with Iain.

Anonymous said...

Go to your settings page and in the discussion section there are a number of options one of them disables the word Verification.
you might also consider clicking the option to disallow anonymous comments as well on the same page.