Thursday, February 12, 2009

What ever happened good ol' days of blaming Jews for everything?

[Note: blogger is being a shitter with the font, which is why it randomly changes. Not my fault]

People with a working conscience would refrain from blaming any movement or community for the current bushfires, unless they had a mountain's worth of hard evidence to back up the claim. Which makes it pretty clear that not everybody has a working conscience.

From Miranda 'I can has Bolta controversy?' Devine:
It wasn't climate change which killed as many as 300 people in Victoria last weekend. It wasn't arsonists. It was the unstoppable intensity of a bushfire, turbo-charged by huge quantities of ground fuel which had been allowed to accumulate over years of drought. It was the power of green ideology over government to oppose attempts to reduce fuel hazards before a megafire erupts, and which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation to protect themselves.
Man, this is so easy-we can blame everything on the greenies! No water? Blame the greens who

support alternatives oppose dams! Power shortage? Blame the greens who oppose building more coal plants! Terrorist attack? The Greens opposed that anti-terrorism bill, which, coincidentally, is highly authoritarian and is easily abused! They're pro-jihad!

I should take a job at one of the Heralds.

Ignoring the fact that anything short of totally logging the entire state would be ineffective against the fires, I love the fact that Devine hates greenies so much that she absolves the arsonists (who I'm pretty sure have contributed more to the fires then Greens have) of all blame.

It's rather ir
onic that the SMH, which publishes Devine's rants, also published this:

The Catch the Fire Ministries has tried to blame the bushfires disaster on laws decriminalising abortion in Victoria.

The Pentecostal church's leader, Pastor Danny Nalliah, claimed he had a dream about raging fires on October 21 last year and that he woke with "a flash from the Spirit of God: that His conditional protection has been removed from the nation of Australia, in particular Victoria, for approving the slaughter of innocent children in the womb"

So in response to Victoria slaughtering innocent children, God decided to...slaughter even more innocent children.

And in other news, Piers 'Poor-man's Andrew Bolt' Akerman* hasn't blamed the fires on teh feminazis, but in his usual "Subtlety's my middle name" style, takes on the environazis.
Greens leader Bob Brown has taken no responsibility for the huge lock-up of forest reserves. It is bewildering to listen to Brown and other extremist environmentalists call for more wilderness areas, areas left in as pristine a state as possible, when they also purport to support the claims of Aboriginal Australians that they managed the “wilderness” for perhaps 40,000 years through regular burning.
Yes, Brown is totally responsible Victorian policies-except for the fact that he's a Federal (not a Victorian) MP and therefore not responsible for any Victorian policies.

The “green wedge” is now a blackened, crisped monument to those green policies.

As compared to Forestry Tasmania, which has never destroyed forests through burning.

And what would an Akerman article be without shoehorning into his rant (no matter how irrelevent) his pet hate-the Islamonazis?
Treating arson as terrorism should not be a huge leap, given that a group of Islamic extremists last year singled Australia out as a target for “forest jihad” as a weapon of terror.
What I've noticed is that it's the Right who make these claims. Bob Brown stated that the firestorm was (at least partly) caused by global warming, but he didn't exactly say afterwards "It's HoWARd's fault for the fires! He didn't listen to us years ago!," and then blame climate change skeptics as killing 180+ people. In contrast, we've have Devine, Bolt (see most cross posts below) and Nalliah all using a national tragedy to And these guys aren't fringe lunatics; Devine, Bolt and Akerman all publish their work in mainstream newspapers, whilst Nalliah is President of CTF.

So my humblest question is: is it just me, or is the political Right a touch less civil then the political Left on these issues? And why? Compassion and conservatism aren't in any way mutually exclusive, so why do such prominant columnists (and one rogue 'Christian') who proclaim to represent Australian conservatism (I'll find some link sometime) are so utterly brutal and without compassion themselves? Just wonderin'.

And before I forget-donate.

Cross-posted here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

*Might I be stepping over the line in calling
anybody a 'Poor man's Andrew Bolt'? It's a pretty low blow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately people like Divine suffer from a common disease called 'stupidity'. It manifests in a variety of ways - often in tabloids or by newspapers under the same control as those who control the tabloids.
The disease is incurable, but treatment to reduce the symptoms is readily available in the form of witty retorts.