Wednesday, May 20, 2009

T to the A to the P: the heterosexual edition

Between studying for some random tests and preparing some rather intense posts, I won't be doing a whole lot for a while. So here's a tap post to keep everybody interested (besides, it's not like anybody visits this blog for anything else). After three posts all featuring teh mens, it's about time we had a PYT on the blog. And who else to start with, but Billie 'Beauty' Piper?

And, I don't know why (perhaps it's the general spontaneity of the image), but this is one of my total favourites:

Your favourites, soldiers?


Michelle said...

Why does this post get more photos than the others? I smell conspiracy.

What did CJ pay you?

cosmicjester said...

Noice. I think I just blirted.

Good to see you return to the light Private Tom.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

Admiral, there are several entirely good reasons: I didn't have that many photos of Daniel of David, and although I had many photos of Johnny, a lot of them weren't that good. Besides, you can't complain about my selection.

CJ-you are gonna freak (in a bad way. Sorry) when you see who's next.

And gimme your favourites! Outside of the last one, mine is the one with the leaf. Love the expression on Ms. Piper's face.

Iain Hall said...

Tom you get a hat tip from me for some lovely pictures of Billie Piper

Anonymous said...

The 5th from the last is the best photo. MEGA 7 STAR tap.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

Reuben - Is that the one where's she's smiling at the camera, or the one in white? DESCRIPTIONS PLEASE. And I DO hope you aren't referring to Ms. Piper as merely a '7 star' tap.

Reuben (not logged in) said...

In white, looking at the camera as she's sitting down...she's just gorgeous. Her skin is smooth and supple and she's got a great look to her in general...

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

That one's OK, but I prefer the photos where she looks like she's having fun as well (ie the leaf pic, and the one above yours).

Michelle said...

Sigh. Fourth from the bottom (black shirt, jeans).

Although I do notice headlights in a few of the others.