Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's official: the CDP is theocracy.

I love reading the CDP. It's like watching a train crash..destruction, carnage and you just can't look away no matter how much you may want to. I knew that the CDPers were fundies, the name itself speaks volumes. But even I almost choked on my lunch when I saw this. It doesn't take much to read between the lines and see that the CDP is literally advocating for laws based on the Bible. First of all, it's unconstitutional.
116. The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.

I'm pretty sure that if a law is unconstitutional, then it's illegal.
It is CDP policy to promote laws which reflect Biblical morality.
No kidding. That's the CDP, word for word. I'm curious, guys. Which Biblical laws do you want made law? The one that says not to have sex during a woman's period? Or the one illegalises wearing two different types of fabrics? How about the one that orders the mentally ill to be stoned? Yup, I'm sure that such rules are great foundations for a 21st century civilisation.

They then bang on about the evils of the gays, refusing to cite any statements in classic fundie style. They seem to think:

-homosexuality is a choice (that's bi, not homosexuality)
-it's "sexual immorality" (according to your narrow interpretation of a 2,000 year old book written by a bunch of barely-literate sheep herders in the desert)
-being gay is comparable to being a criminal or a child molester (except for the fact that the latter two don't involve mutual consent)
-Gay pride events should be illegal (f*ck you, freedom of expression!)
-God will smite any country that normalises being gay (despite such countries-such as those in Western Europe and Scandinavia-being un-smoted)

What a kind bunch. Definitely living up to Jesus' statement of "Love others as yourself."


Terry Wright said...

Hey there PT.

Have you seen their drug policies?

These 2 stand out.

• emphasise prohibition and heavier penalties not only for large scale professional traffickers but also for ordinary users and “pushers”.

Of course, drug users will definitely get better in prison instead of hospital.

• The abandonment of all needle exchange programs since these have contributed to an increase in the number of addicts, facilitated the spread of Hepatitis C, led to a rise in drug overdose deaths and adversely affected local businesses.

Not ONE SINGLE POINT in this is true ... in fact it is the complete opposite except for affecting local business. Great to see God's children lying out their arse.


Great blog BTW.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

"Great to see God's children lying out their arse."

It's the second part of the 9th commandment- "Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbour, unless it's politically convenient to do so-in which case, go nuts."