Sunday, June 28, 2009

The irony! It burns!

Why is it that religious conservatives (Liberals, Republicans, Fielding...) who continue to say that "the science is out on climate change"-defying the consensus of 2000+ scientists-never apply their skeptical and inquisitive nature to their own religious beliefs? As Field Marshal Editor so brilliantly put:
If only the AGW model was proposed in a collection of 2000-year-old texts of dubious authorship. That way there would be enough evidence.


Anonymous said...

Amen, comrades.

Iain Hall said...

Really Tom you need to get a much wider Blog diet, when it comes to the issue of AGW.
Scott Bridges knows stuff all about the topic and is incapable a a single original thought on the matter.

Private 'Baldrick' Tom said...

Good to see you both back, boys. Iain, the crux of the post that the irony and hypocrisy of religion folk refusing to consider the claims of 2000+ scientists whilst believing in entities for which there is not one iota of evidence. Heck, at least you're a skeptic on both issues.